Admission in to a college

	   Here two friends from school after a long time meet at an engineering college after parting for 2 years from the school and joining their +2.They get 
		surprised of getting the same college beacuse they are going to  travel for some more years as friends and boost up their memories.
		But one of the two friends don not know the steps to be followed to complete the admission process.The other helped him in
		filling it and the steps to be followed further to complete admission.. 

Indu:Hey,Pinky it's been a long time we met.How are you?

Pinky:I am fine and why are you here?

Indu:I got admmission in to this college and i don't know what steps to be followed for completing admission.Would you help me

Pinky:Yes for sure why not ?Fill this below application form

Click here to open application form